getgenv().Key = 'Key Here' repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() wait() local TableChat = {"I <3 Banana So Much","I'm Banana huhuhu"} spawn(function() while wait() do pcall(function() game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(TableChat[math.random(1,#TableChat)],"All") wait(45) end) end end) getgenv().Setting = { ["Team"] = "Pirates", --Marines,Pirates ["Webhook"] = { ["Enabled"] = true, ["Url Webhook"] = "Webhook Here", --Your Url }, ["Misc"] = { ["AutoBuyRandomandStoreFruit"] = true, ["AutoBuySurprise"] = true, }, ["Click"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["Click Gun"] = true, ["OnLowHealthDisable"] = false, ["LowHealth"] = 4500, }, ["SafeZone"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["LowHealth"] = 4500, ["MaxHealth"] = 5000, ["Teleport Y"] = 2000 }, ["Race V4"] = { ["Enable"] = true, }, ["Invisible"] = true, ["White Screen"] = false, ["GunMethod"] = false, --Support Only Melee And Gun,Not Invisible, Turn On Enabled Gun and Melee Please ["SpamSkill"] = true, -- Will use all skills as fast as possbile ignore holding skills ["Weapons"] = { ["Melee"] = { ["Enable"] = false, ["Delay"] = 2, ["Skills"] = { ["Z"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, [ "X"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, ["C"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 1, }, }, }, ["Blox Fruit"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["Delay"] = 0, ["Skills"] = { ["Z"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 1, }, ["X"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, ["C"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, ["V"] = { ["Enable"] = false, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, ["F"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 1, }, }, }, ["Gun"] = { ["Enable"] = false, ["Delay"] = 1, ["Skills"] = { ["Z"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, ["X"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, }, }, ["Sword"] = { ["Enable"] = false, ["Delay"] = 1, ["Skills"] = { ["Z"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 1, }, ["X"] = { ["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0, }, }, }, } } repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded() and game.Players.LocalPlayer spawn(function() while wait() do game:GetService("CoreGui").RobloxPromptGui.promptOverlay.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child) if child.Name == 'ErrorPrompt' and child:FindFirstChild('MessageArea') and child.MessageArea:FindFirstChild("ErrorFrame") then game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId) end end) end end) loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()