do local a=[[77fuscator 0.5.0 -]];return(function(b,c,d,e,f,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,u,v,w,w,x,y,y,z,z,z,ba,ba,bb,bb,bb,bc)local bd,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bl,bm,bn,bo,bp,bq,br,bs,bt,bu,bv,bw,bx,by,bz,ca,cb,cc,cd,ce,cf,cg,ch,ci,cj,ck,cl,cm,cn,co,cp,cq,cr=0 while true do if bd<=17 then if bd<=8 then if bd<=3 then if bd<=1 then if bd>0 then bl=1 else be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk=string.sub,table.concat,string.char,tonumber,next,((table.create or function(cs,ct)local cu={};for cv=1,cs do cu[cv]=ct;end;return cu;end))or tostring end else if 3>bd then bm=function(bi)local bk,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy=0 while true do if bk<=5 then if bk<=2 then if bk<=0 then cs,ct=g,g else if bk==1 then cu=bj(#bi)else cv=256 end end else if bk<=3 then cw=bj(cv)else if 5>bk then for bj=0,(cv-1)do cw[bj]=bg(bj)end else cx=1 end end end else if bk<=8 then if bk<=6 then cy=function()local bj,cz,da=0 while true do if bj<=2 then if bj<=0 then cz=bh(be(bi,cx,cx),36)else if bj<2 then cx=(cx+1)else da=bh(be(bi,cx,cx+cz-1),36)end end else if bj<=3 then cx=(cx+cz)else if 5>bj then return da else break end end end bj=bj+1 end end else if 8>bk then cs=bg(cy())else cu[1]=cs end end else if bk<=9 then while(cx<#bi)and not(#a~=d)do local a=cy()if cw[a]then ct=cw[a]else,1,1)end cw[cv],1,1)cu[(#cu+1)],cs,cv=ct,ct,(cv+1)end else if 11~=bk then return bf(cu)else break end end end end bk=bk+1 end end else bn=bm(b)end end else if bd<=5 then if 4==bd then bo={}else c={i,l,w,m,x,y,q,s,j,k,o,u,nil};end else if bd<=6 then bp=v else if 7==bd then bq=bp(bo)else br,bs=1,((-3678+(function()local a,b,c,d=0 while true do if a<=1 then if a~=1 then b,c=0,1 else d=(function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if 1>v then k(q(s,s,k),k(k,s,s and k),(k(q and k,k,k)and s(q,k and s,s)))else break end v=v+1 end end)(function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v<=2 then if v<=0 then if b>388 then return q end else if v<2 then b=(b+1)else c=((c*147)%3612)end end else if v<=3 then if((c%256)<=128)then c=((c*194))%42032 return q(q(k and q,q,q),k(q,q,s),k(s,k,s))else return s end else if v~=5 then return s else break end end end v=v+1 end end,function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v<=2 then if v<=0 then if b>235 then return k end else if v~=2 then b=b+1 else c=((c*376)%21202)end end else if v<=3 then if((c%1024)>512)then return s else return s(k(k,q,s),s(s,s,q),k(s,q,s))end else if 5>v then return s(q(q,s,k),k(k,q,s),s(q,s and k,k))else break end end end v=v+1 end end,function(k,q,s)local v=0 while true do if v<=2 then if v<=0 then if b>455 then return s end else if 2~=v then b=(b+1)else c=(((c-590))%7267)end end else if v<=3 then if(c%430)<=215 then c=(c-54)%36223 return q else return q(q(q and k,k,s),k(q,k and k,q),k(s,(q and q),k))end else if 5>v then return k(k(q,(k and k),s),s(k,(s and q),q),k(k and q,q and s,(s and k)))else break end end end v=v+1 end end)end else if a<3 then return c;else break end end a=a+1 end end)()))end end end end else if bd<=12 then if bd<=10 then if 911 then bw=function()local a,b,c=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 1>a then b,c=h(bn,br,br+2)else b,c=bu(b,bs),bu(c,bs);end else if a<=2 then br=(br+2);else if 4~=a then return(bv(c,8))+b;else break end end end a=a+1 end end else bv=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if c~=1 then return(a*(2^b));else break end c=c+1 end end end end else if bd<=14 then if 14~=bd then do for a,b in o,l(bl)do bt[a]=b;end;end;else bx=bt end else if bd<=15 then by=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if 1>c then return p((a/2^b));else break end c=c+1 end end else if 17~=bd then bz=(2^32)-1 else ca=function(a,b)local c=0 while true do if 1>c then return((a+b)-bu(a,b))/2 else break end c=c+1 end end end end end end end else if bd<=26 then if bd<=21 then if bd<=19 then if 18d then if c then local c=((a/2^(b-1))%2^((c-1)-(b-1)+1))return(c-c%1)else local b=2^(b-1)return(a%(b+b)>=b)and 1 or 0 end else break end d=d+1 end end else ce=bw()end end else if bd<=23 then if bd<23 then cf=function()local a,b,c,d,k=0 while true do if a<=1 then if 00 then br=(br+1);else b=bu(h(bn,br,br),cb)end else if 214 then bj=2 else bi=545 end end else if(b<=17)then if not(b~=16)then bk=31180 else bs=744 end else if 19>b then bw=1488 else by=137 end end end else if b<=22 then if(b==20 or b<20)then bz=179 else if(b==21)then ca=1 else cc=0 end end else if(b==24 or b<24)then if 23==b then ce,cs=cc,ca else ct=(function(cu,cv,cw)local cx,cy=0 while true do if cx<=0 then cy=0 else if 1==cx then while true do if not(cy~=0)then cw(cu(cu,cv,cw),cu(cv,(cu and cw),cw),cw(cw,cw,cu))else break end cy=(cy+1)end else break end end cx=cx+1 end end)(function(cu,cv,cw)local cx,cy=0 while true do if cx<=0 then cy=0 else if 1by then local by=cc while true do by=((by+ca))if((by>ca))then break else return cu end end end else if not(cy==2)then ce=(ce+ca)else cs=((((cs*bz))%bk))end end else if(cy<3 or cy==3)then if(not((cs%bw)~=bs)or((cs%bw)>bs))then local bk=cc while true do bk=(bk+ca)if(bkbh)then local bh=cc while true do bh=((bh+ca))if(bhbj or not(not(x==bj)))then if not((x~=bj))then return bw else break end else cs=((cs+be)%y)end end else local x=cc while true do x=((x+ca))if((x>ca))then break else return bk(((bk(bs,bk and bs,bk)and bk((bs and bk),bs and bk,bk))),bw(bk,bk,bw),bw(bw,bw,((bs and bs))))end end end else if bz>4 then break else return bk(bs(bs,bs,bk),bs(bs,bw,bk)and bw(bs,bw,bs),bs(bk,(bs and bk),bs)and bw(bs,bk,bk))end end end bz=bz+1 end else break end end by=by+1 end end,function(x,y,be)local bf,bg=0 while true do if bf<=0 then bg=0 else if bf<2 then while true do if bg<=2 then if(bg==0 or bg<0)then if((ce>w))then local w=cc while true do w=w+ca if not(not(not(w~=bj)))then break else return be end end end else if not(bg~=1)then ce=(ce+ca)else cs=(((cs-d))%v)end end else if(bg==3 or bg<3)then if((cs%s)==q or(cs%s)ca))then break else return be end end end else if(bg<5)then return y else break end end end bg=bg+1 end else break end end bf=bf+1 end end)end else if(25==b)then return cs;else break end end end end end b=(b+1)end else break end end a=a+1 end end)()));else ci=((-22900+(function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz,ca,cc,ce,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da=0 while true do if a<=0 then b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y,be,bf,bg,bh,bi,bj,bk,bs,bw,by,bz,ca,cc,ce,cs,ct,cu,cv,cw,cx,cy,cz,da=0 else if 2~=a then while true do if(b<16 or b==16)then if(b<=7)then if(b<3 or b==3)then if(b<1 or b==1)then if(b>0)then d=39518 else c=42 end else if(3>b)then k=1112 else p=556 end end else if(b==5 or b<5)then if b~=5 then q=45550 else s=345 end else if 6==b then v=762 else w=23789 end end end else if(b<=11)then if(b<=9)then if(b<9)then x=984 else y=387 end else if 10b then bj=381 else bk=41214 end end end end end else if(b==24 or b<24)then if(b==20 or b<20)then if(b<18 or b==18)then if 17==b then bs=824 else bw=1648 end else if not(20==b)then by=936 else bz=36600 end end else if(b<22 or b==22)then if not(21~=b)then ca=423 else cc=160 end else if(b==23)then ce=2 else cs=846 end end end else if(b==28 or b<28)then if(b<=26)then if not(b==26)then ct=26395 else cu=27 end else if(27dg then de(de(dc,db,de,(db and de)),dc(de,(de and de),de,dd),de(de,db,(de and dd),de),dc(de,dd,db,dc))else break end dg=(dg+1)end else break end end df=df+1 end end)(function(db,dc,dd,de)local df,dg=0 while true do if df<=0 then dg=0 else if df>1 then break else while true do if(dg<2 or dg==2)then if dg<=0 then if(cy>cv)then local cv=cx while true do cv=(cv+cw)if(cvdg)then cy=(cy+cw)else cz=((cz-cu)%ct)end end else if(dg<=3)then if(((cz%cs)==ca)or(cz%cs)cw))then break else return dc(de(de,db,(dd and de),dc),db(db,((dd and dd)),((db and dc)),(dc and dc)),((dc(de,db,dd,dc)and db((db and dc),db,(dd and db),dd))),(de(dc,dd,(de and dc),dd)and dc(de,de,de,de)))end end else local ca=cx while true do ca=ca+cw if((cadg then return dc else break end end end dg=(dg+1)end end end df=df+1 end end,function(ca,cs,ct,cu)local cv,db=0 while true do if cv<=0 then db=0 else if 1==cv then while true do if(db<=2)then if(db==0 or db<0)then if(cy>cc)then local cc=cx while true do cc=((cc+cw))if(cc>cw)then break else return cs end end end else if 1bs))then local bs=cx while true do bs=(bs+cw)if((not(bs~=cw)or(bsbi))then local bi=cx while true do bi=((bi+cw))if not(bi~=cw)then return bj else break end end end else if 1y))then local y=cx while true do y=(y+cw)if((y>ce)or not(y~=ce))then if not(y~=be)then break else return bw end else cz=(((cz-x)%w))end end else local w=cx while true do w=((w+cw))if(ws then local s=cx while true do s=((s+cw))if not(not(not(s~=cw)))then return bf else break end end end else if not(2==bh)then cy=((cy+cw))else cz=((cz-v)%q)end end else if bh<=3 then if(((cz%k))>p)then local k=cx while true do k=(k+cw)if(k>ce or k==ce)then if kbd then cj=(-47040+(function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w,x,y=0 while true do if a<=5 then if a<=2 then if a<=0 then b=1740 else if 1bf then be(be(be))else break end bf=bf+1 end end)(function(be)local bf=0 while true do if bf<=2 then if bf<=0 then if w>p then local p=v while true do p=(p+s)if not(p~=s)then return be else break end end end else if bf==1 then w=w+s else x=((x-q)%k)end end else if bf<=3 then if(((x%b))4 then break else return be(be(be))end end end bf=bf+1 end end)else if a~=11 then return x;else break end end end end a=a+1 end end)());else ck=function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q=0 while true do if a<=3 then if a<=1 then if 0==a then b,c=cf(),cf()else if(b==0 and(c==0))then return 0;end;end else if 2==a then d=1 else k=(((cd(c,1,20)*((2^32))))+b)end end else if a<=5 then if 5>a then p=cd(c,21,31)else q=((-1)^cd(c,32))end else if a<=6 then if(not(p~=0))then if(not(k~=0))then return q*0;else p=1;d=0;end;elseif(p==2047)then if(not(k~=0))then return(q*(1/0));else return(q*(0/0));end;end;else if a~=8 then return q*2^(p-1023)*(d+(k/(2^52)))else break end end end end a=a+1 end end end else if bd<=29 then cl="\46"else if 30==bd then cm=function()local a,b,c=0 while true do if a<=1 then if a~=1 then b,c=h(bn,br,(br+2))else b,c=bu(b,cb),bu(c,cb);end else if a<=2 then br=(br+2);else if a==3 then return(bv(c,8))+b;else break end end end a=a+1 end end else cn=cf end end end else if bd<=33 then if 32a then c=847 else d=0 end end else if a<=3 then k={}else if 4==a then while(d<8)do d=d+1;while(d<727 and(c%562)<281)do c=(c+97)local p=(d+c)if(not((c%2844)~=1422)or((c%2844)<1422))then c=((c+61))while d<349 and c%1208<604 do c=((c-58))local p=((d+c))if(((c%13466))==6733 or(((c%13466))<6733))then c=((c-34))local p=48610 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 10 then break else return i(h(p))end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif not((c%4)==0)then c=((c+72))local p=27282 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 1s then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end end end q=q+1 end end);end else c=(c-6)d=((d+1))local p=62732 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 1==q then while true do if(1>s)then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end end;d=d+1;end else c=((c*39))d=(d+1)while((d<305)and((c%488)<244))do c=(c*44)local p=d+c if((c%3480)>1740)then c=(c+79)local p=42710 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;local p,q=cn(),g;if(not(p~=0))then return g;end;b=j(bn,br,(((br+p))-1));br=br+p;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if q==1 then while true do if 1>s then return i(h(p))else break end s=s+1 end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end elseif not(c%4==0)then c=(((c+56)))local p=9343 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(p)local q,s=0 while true do if q<=0 then s=0 else if 2~=q then while true do if(s<1)then return i(h(p))else break end s=(s+1)end else break end end q=q+1 end end);end else c=(((c+96)))d=d+1 local p=26138 if not k[p]then k[p]=1;return z(b,cl,function(b)local k,p=0 while true do if k<=0 then p=0 else if 2>k then while true do if p<1 then return i(h(b))else break end p=(p+1)end else break end end k=k+1 end end);end end;d=d+1;end end;d=(d+1);end c=(((c*859)))if((d>68))then break;end;end;else break end end end a=a+1 end end end else if bd<=34 then cq=function(...)local a=0 while true do if a==0 then return{...},n("\35",...)else break end a=a+1 end end else if 35==bd then cr=function()local a,b,c,d,k,p,q,s,v,w=0 while true do if a<=9 then if a<=4 then if a<=1 then if 1>a then b,c,d,k={},{},{},{}else p=m({[ch]=b,nil,[ci]=c,nil,[298]=k,[734]=bb,[568]=nil},{['\95\95\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103']=function(...)return j(bn,br,br);end,})end else if a<=2 then q={}else if 3==a then s=514 else v=0 end end end else if a<=6 then if a>5 then while(v<5)do v=(v+1);while(v<960 and(s%1648)<824)do s=((s*16))local d=((v+s))if((s%3004)<1502 or(s%3004)==1502)then s=((s+23))while((v<423)and(s%54<27))do s=((s*54))local d=v+s if(((s%16076))>8038)then s=((s*70))local d=75508 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end elseif not(not(((s%4))~=0))then s=(((s*6)))local d=30861 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=((s+84))v=(v+1)local d=73347 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=(v+1);end elseif not(s%4==0)then s=((s*86))while((((v<193))and s%1042<521))do s=((s*21))local d=v+s if(((s%15550)<7775)or not(((s%15550))~=7775))then s=(s-77)local d=92790 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end elseif(s%4~=0)then s=(((s+50)))local d=60621 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end else s=((s*50))v=v+1 local d=33489 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;q[cf()]=nil;end end;v=(v+1);end else s=(((s-74)))v=((v+1))while(v<108 and(s%1302<651))do s=(((s+14)))local d=((v+s))if(((s%2060)>1030))then s=(s-6)local d=59531 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;for d=1,cf()do local j=cg();if(not(not(j==0)))then q[d]=nil;elseif(not((j~=3)))then q[d]=((cg()~=0));elseif(((j==1)))then q[d]=ck();elseif(not(not(j==2)))then q[d]=co();end;end;p[cj]=q;end elseif not((s%4==0))then s=((s+24))local d=14306 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end else s=((s*64))v=((v+1))local d=25434 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end end;v=(v+1);end end;v=v+1;end s=(((s*372)))if((v>39))then break;end;end;else w={}end else if a<=7 then p[478]=cg();else if a<9 then s=918 else v=0 end end end end else if a<=14 then if a<=11 then if a<11 then w={}else while((v<6))do v=v+1;while v<521 and s%1672<836 do s=((s+24))local d=((v+s))if((((s%11900))==5950 or((s%11900))>5950))then s=(s*13)while((v<143)and s%254<127)do s=(((s-81)))local d=v+s if(s%18194)>=9097 then s=(((s-42)))local d=48866 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end elseif not(((s%4)==0))then s=((s-51))local d=29707 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end else s=((s+75))v=(v+1)local d=50728 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end end;v=((v+1));end elseif(not(s%4==0))then s=((s*51))while(((v<879))and s%618<309)do s=((s*74))local d=v+s if(((s%5562))==2781 or((s%5562))<2781)then s=((s*25))local d=33021 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;end elseif not(s%4==0)then s=((s*60))local d=50775 if not w[d]then w[d]=1;local d=1;local j=2;local k=3;local x=4;for x=1,cf()do local y=cg();local bb=cd(y,d,d);if(((not(bb~=0))))then local y,bb,be=cd(y,j,k),cd(y,4,6),m({[170]=cm(),[69]=cm(),nil,nil},{['\95\95\116\111\115\116\114\105\110\103']=function(...)return cd(y,j,k);end,})if(not(y~=0))or((y==d))then be[789]=cf();if(not((not(y==0))))then be[196]=cf();end;elseif(y==j)or(y==k)then be[789]=(cf()-(e));if(not(not(y==k)))then be[196]=cm();end;end;if(not(not(not(cd(bb,d,d)~=d))))then be[69]=q[be[69]];end;if(not(not(cd(bb,j,j)==d)))then be[789]=q[be[789]];end;if(not(not(cd(bb,k,k)==d)))then be[196]=q[be[196]];end;b[x]=be;end;end;end else s=(((s*13)))v=(v+1)local b=7973 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end end;v=(v+1);end else s=((s*36))v=(v+1)while((v<792 and s%1224<612))do s=((s*59))local b=((v+s))if(((s%13630))>6815 or((s%13630))==6815)then s=((s+31))local b=89686 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end elseif not((s%4==0))then s=(((s+48)))local b=76430 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end else s=(s*55)v=(v+1)local b=75497 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;end end;v=(v+1);end end;v=(v+1);end s=((s+995))if((v>92))then break;end;end;end else if a<=12 then for b=1,cf()do c[b-1]=cr();end;else if 14~=a then do for b=1,#p[ch]do local b=p[ch][b]local c,d,e=b[69],b[789],b[196]if(not(bp(c)~=f))then c=z(c,cl,function(j,k,k)local k,q=0 while true do if k<=0 then q=0 else if 1==k then while true do if q<1 then return i(bu(h(j),cb))else break end q=(q+1)end else break end end k=k+1 end end)b[69]=c end if not((bp(d)~=f))then d=z(d,cl,function(c,j,j,j)local j,k=0 while true do if j<=0 then k=0 else if 2>j then while true do if 1>k then return i(bu(h(c),cb))else break end k=k+1 end else break end end j=j+1 end end)b[789]=d end if not((bp(e)~=f))then e=z(e,cl,function(c,d,d)local d,j=0 while true do if d<=0 then j=0 else if 2>d then while true do if(j<1)then return i(bu(h(c),cb))else break end j=(j+1)end else break end end d=d+1 end end)b[196]=e end;end;p[cj]=nil;end;else s=403 end end end else if a<=16 then if a<16 then v=0 else w={}end else if a<=17 then while(v<7)do v=(v+1);while(((v<578)and s%306<153))do s=(((s-57)))local b=(v+s)if((((s%8836))<4418 or((s%8836))==4418))then s=(s*84)while(v<889 and s%588<294)do s=(((s*40)))local b=((v+s))if((((s%7424))==3712 or((s%7424))<3712))then s=((s+9))local b=31726 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end elseif not(not((s%4)~=0))then s=((s-6))local b=30350 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=(s+29)v=v+1 local b=28691 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;p[568]=function(...)local b,c,d,e,h=0 while true do if b<=0 then c,d,e,h=0 else if 1==b then while true do if(c==2 or c<2)then if(c==0 or c<0)then d=n(1,...)else if 19150 then s=(s*7)local b=18034 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end elseif not(((s%4)==0))then s=(((s*79)))local b=33197 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=((s+21))v=(v+1)local b=11446 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=((v+1));end else s=((s*83))v=v+1 while((v<524)and(s%446<223))do s=((s-59))local b=((v+s))if((s%15354)>7677)then s=((s-1))local b=95285 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end elseif not(s%4==0)then s=((s+79))local b=45348 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end else s=((s+90))v=(v+1)local b=15625 if not w[b]then w[b]=1;return p end end;v=(v+1);end end;v=(v+1);end s=(s*253)if((v>52))then break;end;end;else if a>18 then break else return p;end end end end end a=a+1 end end else break end end end end end end bd=bd+1 end local function a(b,c)local d if bp(l)==bq then d=l;else d=l(bl);end local e={}for f,g in o,d do if g~=b then e[f]=g else e[f]=c;end end if bc then return bc(bl,e)else l=e;return l;end end;local function b(...)local c=n(bl,...);local d=n(3,...);local e=c[ch];local f=c[478];local g=c[734];local h=n(2,...);local i=c[ci];local j=c[568];local c=c[298];local c=bt[ba(bx,g)];return function(...)local g,k,n,o,p,q,s,u=cq,1,-1,{},{...},(n("\35",...)-1),{},{};for v=0,q,1 do if(v>=f)then o[v-f]=p[v+1];else u[v]=p[v+1];end;end;local v,w,x,y=(q-f+1),nil,nil,{};while true do w=e[k];x=w[170];if 95>=x then if 47>=x then if(23==x or 23>x)then if(x==11 or x<11)then if(not(x~=5)or x<5)then if(x<2 or x==2)then if(0>=x)then local y=w[69]local z={}for ba=1,#s do local bb=s[ba]for bc=1,#bb do local bb=bb[bc]local bc,bc=bb[1],bb[2]if((bc==y)or bc>y)then z[bc]=u[bc]bb[1]=z s[ba]=nil;end end end elseif(not(2==x))then local y,z=0 while true do if(y==8 or y<8)then if(y==3 or y<3)then if(y==1 or y<1)then if(1~=y)then z=nil else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end else if y==2 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=5 then if(y<5)then u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];else k=k+1;end else if(y==6 or y<6)then w=e[k];else if(y==7)then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][u[w[196]]];else k=(k+1);end end end end else if(y==13 or y<13)then if(y<10 or y==10)then if(9==y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if(y<=11)then k=(k+1);else if not(12~=y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end end else if(y<15 or y==15)then if not(14~=y)then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if(y<=16)then z=w[69]else if not(y==18)then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end end y=(y+1)end else if(u[w[69]]~=u[w[196]])then k=w[789];else k=(k+1);end;end;elseif(x<3 or not(x~=3))then local y,z=0 while true do if(y==7 or y<7)then if(y==3 or y<3)then if(y<1 or y==1)then if(y<1)then z=nil else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];end else if y~=3 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if(y==5 or y<5)then if(y<5)then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=(k+1);end else if(7>y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end end else if(y<=11)then if(y<=9)then if(y>8)then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end else if(y>10)then k=(k+1);else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end else if(y<13 or y==13)then if not(12~=y)then w=e[k];else z=w[69]end else if 15~=y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end y=(y+1)end elseif(x<5)then local y,z=0 while true do if(y<17 or y==17)then if(y<8 or y==8)then if y<=3 then if(y<=1)then if 0y)then for ba=0,q,1 do if ba4)then u[w[69]]={};else w=e[k];end else if(y<6 or y==6)then k=k+1;else if(7==y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end end end end else if y<=12 then if(y<=10)then if y~=10 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if(y<12)then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=14 then if not(y==14)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if y<=15 then k=(k+1);else if not(17==y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end end end end else if(y==26 or y<26)then if y<=21 then if(y<19 or y==19)then if(1820 then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]={};end end else if(y<=23)then if(23>y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end else if(y<=24)then k=k+1;else if 26>y then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end end end else if(y<=30)then if(y==28 or y<28)then if(y>27)then w=e[k];else k=(k+1);end else if(29==y)then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=(k+1);end end else if(y<32 or y==32)then if 31==y then w=e[k];else z=w[69];end else if(y<=33)then u[z]=u[z]-u[z+2];else if(y==34)then k=w[789];else break end end end end end end y=y+1 end else if(u[w[69]]~=u[w[196]])then k=(k+1);else k=w[789];end;end;elseif(not(x~=8)or x<8)then if(6>=x)then local y=w[69];local z,ba,bb=u[y],u[(y+1)],u[(y+2)];local z=(z+bb);u[y]=z;if((bb>0)and(z<=ba)or bb<0 and z>=ba)then k=w[789];u[(y+3)]=z;end;elseif not(not(8~=x))then u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];else local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if(y<=3)then if(y<=1)then if y==0 then z=nil else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];end else if y==2 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=5 then if not(y~=4)then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end else if(y<7)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end end else if(y<11 or y==11)then if(y<=9)then if y==8 then k=(k+1);else w=e[k];end else if 10x)then local y=w[69];do return r(u,y,n)end;elseif not(not(x~=11))then local y,z=0 while true do if(y==9 or y<9)then if(y<4 or y==4)then if(y==1 or y<1)then if not(y==1)then z=nil else u={};end else if(y==2 or y<2)then for ba=0,q,1 do if ba3)then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if(y==6 or y<6)then if not(5~=y)then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end else if y<=7 then w=e[k];else if y<9 then u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if(y==14 or y<14)then if y<=11 then if(11~=y)then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=#u[w[789]];end else if(y<12 or y==12)then k=(k+1);else if 13y)then w=e[k];else z=w[69];end end else if(y==18 or y<18)then u[z]=(u[z]-u[z+2]);else if 19=x)then if(x<=12)then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]+w[196];elseif not(13~=x)then u[w[69]]=true;else local y=i[w[789]];local z={};local ba={};for bb=1,w[196]do k=(k+1);local bc=e[k];if bc[170]==125 then ba[(bb-1)]={u,bc[789],nil,nil};else ba[(bb-1)]={h,bc[789],nil,nil,nil};end;s[#s+1]=ba;end;m(z,{['\95\95\105\110\100\101\120']=function(bb,bb)local bb=ba[bb];return bb[1][bb[2]];end,['\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120']=function(bb,bb,bc)local ba=ba[bb]ba[1][ba[2]]=bc;end;});u[w[69]]=b(y,z,d);end;elseif(x<=15)then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y~=1 then z=nil else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];end else if 2==y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=5 then if y>4 then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=w[789];end else if 7~=y then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if 8==y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if 11>y then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if 1219 then u[w[69]]={};else u[w[69]]=true;end;elseif(21>x or 21==x)then local y,z=0 while true do if(y<=10)then if y<=4 then if y<=1 then if(021)then break else u[z](u[(z+1)])end end end end end y=(y+1)end elseif(23~=x)then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if 1>y then z=nil else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if 2==y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=5 then if 4==y then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end else if y<7 then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if 812 then z=w[69]else w=e[k];end else if 14==y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end else local y=w[69]u[y]=u[y](r(u,(y+1),w[789]))end;elseif(x<=35)then if(29>x or 29==x)then if(x<=26)then if(x<=24)then d[w[789]]=u[w[69]];elseif not(26==x)then local y=w[69];local z,ba,bb=u[y],u[(y+1)],u[y+2];local z=z+bb;u[y]=z;if((bb>0 and z<=ba)or bb<0 and(z==ba or z>ba))then k=w[789];u[y+3]=z;end;else local y=w[69]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,n))end;elseif 27>=x then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if 0y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if 11~=y then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if y>12 then z=w[69]else w=e[k];end else if 14==y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end elseif not(28~=x)then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=8 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y~=1 then z=nil else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end else if y>2 then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=5 then if 4y then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if y<=11 then k=k+1;else if y~=13 then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end end else if y<=15 then if y==14 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if y<=16 then z=w[69]else if y==17 then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end end y=y+1 end else u[w[69]]=w[789];end;elseif(x==32 or x<32)then if(x<=30)then u[w[69]]=b(i[w[789]],nil,d);elseif(31==x)then if(u[w[69]]y then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end end else if y<=8 then if y<=6 then k=k+1;else if y<8 then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end else if y<=10 then if y>9 then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end else if 11==y then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if y<=19 then if y<=15 then if y<=13 then w=e[k];else if y>14 then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];end end else if y<=17 then if y>16 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else w=e[k];end else if y>18 then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if y<=22 then if y<=20 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else if y~=22 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=24 then if 23=x then if(x<36 or x==36)then local y,z=0 while true do if(y<=11)then if(y<5 or y==5)then if(y<2 or y==2)then if(y<=0)then z=nil else if not(y==2)then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]%u[w[196]];else k=(k+1);end end else if y<=3 then w=e[k];else if y==4 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]+w[196];else k=k+1;end end end else if(y==8 or y<8)then if y<=6 then w=e[k];else if 8>y then u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];else k=k+1;end end else if(y==9 or y<9)then w=e[k];else if not(11==y)then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];else k=(k+1);end end end end else if(y<=17)then if y<=14 then if(y==12 or y<12)then w=e[k];else if 13y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end end y=y+1 end elseif not(37~=x)then local y=w[69]u[y](u[y+1])else if(u[w[69]]=x)then u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];elseif 41>x then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=7 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if 0==y then z=nil else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if y==2 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=5 then if y==4 then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end else if y==6 then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end end else if y<=11 then if y<=9 then if 8==y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if 10==y then u[w[69]]=w[789];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=13 then if 13>y then w=e[k];else z=w[69]end else if y<15 then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end y=y+1 end else local y=0 while true do if y<=8 then if y<=3 then if y<=1 then if y~=1 then u={};else for z=0,q,1 do if zy then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=14 then if y>13 then k=k+1;else do return end;end else if y<=15 then w=e[k];else if y>16 then break else do return end;end end end end end y=y+1 end end;elseif(44>x or 44==x)then if(x==42 or x<42)then local y,z,ba,bb,bc=0 while true do if(y<=9)then if y<=4 then if y<=1 then if not(0~=y)then z=nil else ba,bb=nil end else if(y<2 or y==2)then bc=nil else if(3x)then u[w[69]]=(u[w[789]]*w[196]);elseif 47>x then u[w[69]][u[w[789]]]=u[w[196]];else local y=w[69]u[y]=u[y](u[(y+1)])end;elseif x<=71 then if 59>=x then if 53>=x then if 50>=x then if x<=48 then local y=w[69];do return u[y](r(u,y+1,w[789]))end;elseif 50>x then u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]={};k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];if not u[w[69]]then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;else for y=w[69],w[789],1 do u[y]=nil;end;end;elseif x<=51 then local y,z=0 while true do if y<=14 then if y<=6 then if y<=2 then if y<=0 then z=nil else if y<2 then u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];else k=k+1;end end else if y<=4 then if y>3 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else w=e[k];end else if y>5 then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end end end else if y<=10 then if y<=8 then if 8>y then u[w[69]][u[w[789]]]=w[196];else k=k+1;end else if 10>y then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];end end else if y<=12 then if y==11 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if 13y then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if 18~=y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if y<=20 then if 19y then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if 2527 then z=w[69]else w=e[k];end else if 30~=y then u[z]=u[z](r(u,z+1,w[789]))else break end end end end end y=y+1 end elseif 52=x then if x<=54 then local y=w[69];n=(y+v)-1;for z=y,n do local y=o[(z-y)];u[z]=y;end;elseif 55=x then local y;u={};for z=0,q,1 do if z=x then if 62>=x then if x<=60 then local y;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];y=w[69]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[789]))elseif 62>x then u[w[69]]=#u[w[789]];else local y=u[w[196]];if not y then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=y;k=w[789];end;end;elseif x<=63 then local y=w[69]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,n))elseif 65~=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]%u[w[196]];else local y;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];y=w[69]u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[789]))end;elseif 68>=x then if x<=66 then local y=w[69];u[y]=u[y]-u[y+2];k=w[789];elseif x~=68 then local y=i[w[789]];local z={};local ba={};for bb=1,w[196]do k=k+1;local bc=e[k];if bc[170]==125 then ba[bb-1]={u,bc[789]};else ba[bb-1]={h,bc[789]};end;s[#s+1]=ba;end;m(z,{['\95\95\105\110\100\101\120']=function(m,m)local m=ba[m];return m[1][m[2]];end,['\95\95\110\101\119\105\110\100\101\120']=function(m,m,bb)local m=ba[m]m[1][m[2]]=bb;end;});u[w[69]]=b(y,z,d);else local m;u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif x<=69 then if(u[w[69]]<=u[w[196]])then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;elseif 71~=x then u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]][w[789]]=w[196];k=k+1;w=e[k];do return end;end;elseif 83>=x then if 77>=x then if x<=74 then if 72>=x then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][u[w[196]]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif 74~=x then local m;u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]][w[789]]=w[196];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]*u[w[196]];end;elseif 75>=x then if(u[w[69]]<=w[196])then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;elseif 76==x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]+u[w[196]];else do return end;end;elseif x<=80 then if x<=78 then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69];do return u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69];do return r(u,m,n)end;elseif 80~=x then h[w[789]]=u[w[69]];else u[w[69]][u[w[789]]]=w[196];end;elseif 81>=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]/w[196];elseif 82=x then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif 85=x then if x<=90 then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif x<92 then u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];else for m=w[69],w[789],1 do u[m]=nil;end;end;elseif 93>=x then local m=u[w[196]];if not m then k=(k+1);else u[w[69]]=m;k=w[789];end;elseif 94=x then if 119>=x then if 107>=x then if x<=101 then if x<=98 then if x<=96 then local m=w[69]u[m](u[m+1])elseif x==97 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][u[w[196]]];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]-w[196];end;elseif x<=99 then local m;u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif 100==x then local m;u={};for y=0,q,1 do if y=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]*w[196];elseif x<107 then if(u[w[69]]=x then if x<=108 then if(u[w[69]]~=u[w[196]])then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;elseif 110>x then local m=w[69];local y=w[196];local z=m+2;local ba={u[m](u[m+1],u[z])};for bb=1,y do u[z+bb]=ba[bb];end local m=u[m+3];if m then u[z]=m;k=w[789];else k=k+1 end;else u[w[69]]();end;elseif x<=111 then if u[w[69]]then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;elseif x<113 then local m;u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))else local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif x<=116 then if(114>x or 114==x)then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=17 then if m<=8 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 1~=m then y=nil else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if m<3 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if m<=5 then if m<5 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=6 then w=e[k];else if 7==m then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if m<=12 then if m<=10 then if m<10 then w=e[k];else u[w[69]][w[789]]=w[196];end else if 12~=m then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if m<=14 then if 13m then u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=24 then w=e[k];else if m>25 then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end end end else if m<=31 then if m<=28 then if 28>m then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if m<=29 then k=k+1;else if 30==m then w=e[k];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end end end else if m<=33 then if 33~=m then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if m<=34 then y=w[69]else if 35=x then if x<=125 then if x<=122 then if 120>=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]+w[196];elseif 122~=x then if(w[69]<=u[w[196]])then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;else local m=w[69]u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif 123>=x then local m;u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif x<125 then u[w[69]][u[w[789]]]=u[w[196]];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];end;elseif x<=128 then if x<=126 then local m;u={};for y=0,q,1 do if y=x then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 0==m then y=nil else u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];end else if m==2 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end else if m<=5 then if 410 then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end else if m<=13 then if m>12 then y=w[69]else w=e[k];end else if 15>m then u[y]=u[y](r(u,y+1,w[789]))else break end end end end m=m+1 end elseif x~=131 then local m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](u[m+1])else local m=w[69]local y={u[m](u[m+1])};local z=0;for ba=m,w[196]do z=z+1;u[ba]=y[z];end end;elseif x<=137 then if x<=134 then if x<=132 then if(not(u[w[69]]==w[196]))then k=w[789];else k=k+1;end;elseif x>133 then d[w[789]]=u[w[69]];else u={};for m=0,q,1 do if m=x then local m,y,z,ba,bb,bc=0 while true do if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 02 then bb={u[y](u[y+1],u[ba])}else ba=y+2 end end else if m<=5 then if m>4 then bc=u[y+3]else for y=1,z do u[ba+y]=bb[y];end end else if 6==m then if bc then u[ba]=bc;k=w[789];else k=k+1 end;else break end end end m=m+1 end elseif 136=x then if x<=138 then local m,y=0 while true do if m<=19 then if m<=9 then if m<=4 then if m<=1 then if 03 then u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];else w=e[k];end end end else if m<=6 then if m>5 then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end else if m<=7 then u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];else if m~=9 then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end end end end else if m<=14 then if m<=11 then if 11~=m then u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];else k=k+1;end else if m<=12 then w=e[k];else if 14~=m then u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];else k=k+1;end end end else if m<=16 then if 15m then u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];else k=k+1;end end end end else if m<=34 then if m<=31 then if m>30 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];else w=e[k];end else if m<=32 then k=k+1;else if m>33 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];else w=e[k];end end end else if m<=36 then if m>35 then w=e[k];else k=k+1;end else if m<=37 then y=w[69]else if 39>m then u[y](r(u,y+1,w[789]))else break end end end end end end m=m+1 end elseif 140~=x then local m=w[69];n=m+v-1;for v=m,n do local m=o[v-m];u[v]=m;end;else do return u[w[69]]end end;elseif 141>=x then local m=w[69]local o={}for v=1,#s do local y=s[v]for z=1,#y do local y=y[z]local z,z=y[1],y[2]if(z>=m)then o[z]=u[z]y[1]=o s[v]=nil;end end end elseif x~=143 then h[w[789]]=u[w[69]];else a(c,j);k=k+1;w=e[k];u={};for m=0,q,1 do if m=x then if 155>=x then if x<=149 then if x<=146 then if x<=144 then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]][w[789]]=u[w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif 146~=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]+u[w[196]];else local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif 147>=x then if(u[w[69]]~=u[w[196]])then k=w[789];else k=k+1;end;elseif x<149 then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))else local m=w[69]local o,s=g(u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789])))n=s+m-1 local s=0;for v=m,n do s=s+1;u[v]=o[s];end;end;elseif 152>=x then if 150>=x then local m,o=0 while true do if m<=7 then if m<=3 then if m<=1 then if 0m then k=k+1;else w=e[k];end else if m>10 then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=w[789];end end else if m<=13 then if 13~=m then w=e[k];else o=w[69]end else if m>14 then break else u[o]=u[o](r(u,o+1,w[789]))end end end end m=m+1 end elseif x>151 then if(u[w[69]]<=w[196])then k=k+1;else k=w[789];end;else local m=w[69];local o=u[w[789]];u[m+1]=o;u[m]=o[w[196]];end;elseif 153>=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]/w[196];elseif 155~=x then u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];else u={};for m=0,q,1 do if m=x then if x<=158 then if x<=156 then local m=u[w[69]]+w[196];u[w[69]]=m;if(m<=u[w[69]+1])then k=w[789];end;elseif x==157 then local m=w[69];local o=u[w[789]];u[m+1]=o;u[m]=o[w[196]];else u[w[69]]={};end;elseif x<=159 then u[w[69]]();elseif x>160 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];else local m;u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif 164>=x then if x<=162 then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]-u[w[196]];elseif 164>x then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69];do return u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69];do return r(u,m,n)end;k=k+1;w=e[k];k=w[789];else u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];end;elseif 165>=x then local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))elseif x==166 then k=w[789];else local m;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif x<=179 then if x<=173 then if x<=170 then if 168>=x then u[w[69]][u[w[789]]]=w[196];elseif 170~=x then local m=w[69]local o,s=g(u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789])))n=s+m-1 local s=0;for v=m,n do s=s+1;u[v]=o[s];end;else local m;u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))end;elseif 171>=x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]/w[196];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]-u[w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]/w[196];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]*w[196];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];k=w[789];elseif x<173 then local m;u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][u[w[196]]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=h[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][w[196]];k=k+1;w=e[k];m=w[69]u[m]=u[m](r(u,m+1,w[789]))else local h=u[w[196]];if h then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=h;k=w[789];end;end;elseif 176>=x then if x<=174 then local h=w[69];do return u[h](r(u,h+1,w[789]))end;elseif 176~=x then local h=w[69];local m=u[h];for o=h+1,w[789]do t(m,u[o])end;else u[w[69]]={r({},1,w[789])};end;elseif 177>=x then u[w[69]]=b(i[w[789]],nil,d);elseif x<179 then local h=w[69];u[h]=u[h]-u[h+2];k=w[789];else a(c,j);end;elseif 185>=x then if 182>=x then if(x<180 or x==180)then u[w[69]]=false;elseif 182>x then u[w[69]]={r({},1,w[789])};else local a=w[69];local c=u[a];for h=(a+1),w[789]do t(c,u[h])end;end;elseif 183>=x then local a;local c,h;local i;u[w[69]]=u[w[789]][u[w[196]]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];i=w[69]c,h=g(u[i](r(u,i+1,w[789])))n=h+i-1 a=0;for h=i,n do a=a+1;u[h]=c[a];end;elseif x>184 then do return u[w[69]]end else local a=w[69]u[a](r(u,a+1,n))end;elseif x<=188 then if 186>=x then u[w[69]]=#u[w[789]];elseif x==187 then local a;local c,h;local i;u[w[69]]=d[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=u[w[789]];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];u[w[69]]=w[789];k=k+1;w=e[k];i=w[69]c,h=g(u[i](r(u,i+1,w[789])))n=h+i-1 a=0;for d=i,n do a=a+1;u[d]=c[a];end;else local a=u[w[196]];if a then k=k+1;else u[w[69]]=a;k=w[789];end;end;elseif 189>=x then local a=w[69]local c={u[a](u[a+1])};local d=0;for e=a,w[196]do d=d+1;u[e]=c[d];end elseif 190==x then u[w[69]]=u[w[789]]-u[w[196]];else u={};for a=0,q,1 do if a