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We don\'t work for free. And we work hard to make this place awesome.', y = 'This site is ad supported. Please understand that we need your help to keep us around. Please whitelist us.', s = 'Cool with me. You\'re white-listed. Let\'s go!', o = 0, u = 0, n = 'moc.kcolbdakcolb', l = 0, Q = e() + '.jpg'; function h(t) { if (t) t = t.substr(t.length - 15); var o = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for (var n = o.length; n--;) { var e = String(o[n].src); if (e) e = e.substr(e.length - 15); if (e === t) return !0 }; return !1 }; function m(t) { if (t) t = t.substr(t.length - 15); var e = document.styleSheets; x = 0; while (x < e.length) { thisurl = e[x].href; if (thisurl) thisurl = thisurl.substr(thisurl.length - 15); if (thisurl === t) return !0; x++ }; return !1 }; function e(t) { var n = '', o = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; t = t || 30; for (var e = 0; e < t; e++) n += o.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * o.length)); return n }; function i(o) { var i = ['YWRuLmViYXkuY29t', 'YWQubWFpbC5ydQ==', 'anVpY3lhZHMuY29t', 'YWQuZm94bmV0d29ya3MuY29t', 'cGFydG5lcmFkcy55c20ueWFob28uY29t', 'YS5saXZlc3BvcnRtZWRpYS5ldQ==', 'YWdvZGEubmV0L2Jhbm5lcnM=', 'YWR2ZXJ0aXNpbmcuYW9sLmNvbQ==', 'Y2FzLmNsaWNrYWJpbGl0eS5jb20=', 'cHJvbW90ZS5wYWlyLmNvbQ==', 'YWRzLnlhaG9vLmNvbQ==', 'YWRzLnp5bmdhLmNvbQ==', 'YWRzYXR0LmFiY25ld3Muc3RhcndhdmUuY29t', 'YWRzYXR0LmVzcG4uc3RhcndhdmUuY29t', 'YXMuaW5ib3guY29t', 'cGFydG5lcmFkcy55c20ueWFob28uY29t'], r = ['ZmF2aWNvbi5pY28=', 'YmFubmVyLmpwZw==', 'NDY4eDYwLmpwZw==', 'NzIweDkwLmpwZw==', 'c2t5c2NyYXBlci5qcGc=', 'MTM2N19hZC1jbGllbnRJRDI0NjQuanBn', 'YWRjbGllbnQtMDAyMTQ3LWhvc3QxLWJhbm5lci1hZC5qcGc=', 'Q0ROLTMzNC0xMDktMTM3eC1hZC1iYW5uZXI=', 'ZmF2aWNvbi5pY28=', 'YWQtbGFyZ2UucG5n', 'c3F1YXJlLWFkLnBuZw==', 'ZmF2aWNvbjEuaWNv', 'YmFubmVyX2FkLmdpZg==', 'bGFyZ2VfYmFubmVyLmdpZg==', 'd2lkZV9za3lzY3JhcGVyLmpwZw==', 'YWR2ZXJ0aXNlbWVudC0zNDMyMy5qcGc=']; 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