# If-statement code only runs when the if’s condition is true. # Fix all the if-statements to beat the level. # == means "is equal to". if 1 + 1 + 1 == 4: # ∆ Make this false. hero.moveXY(5, 15) # Move to the first mines. if 2 + 2 == 4: # ∆ Make this true. hero.moveXY(15, 40) # Move to the first gem. # != means "is not equal to". if 2 + 2 != 5: # ∆ Make this true. hero.moveXY(25, 15) # Move to the second gem. # < means "is less than". if 2 + 2 < 5: # ∆ Make this true. enemy = hero.findNearestEnemy() hero.attack(enemy) if 2 < 1: # ∆ Make this false. hero.moveXY(40, 55) if not True: # ∆ Make this false. hero.moveXY(50, 10) if not False: # ∆ Make this true. hero.moveXY(55, 25)